step step line dance


Line dancing is a form of synchronized dancing in which dancers are arranged in rows, or lines, facing either in the same direction or each other. Dancers move in unison and do not come into physical contact with one another during the dance.

Following are 53 of the common line dance steps that are found over and over again in line dances. Check out my list below! See the descriptions and watch some of the videos to reinforce your mastery of them. Then you'll be even more prepared to take on the next line dance lesson, be it a beginner, intermediate, or even advanced level dance!

16. Wall: 4. Level: Beginner. Choreographer: Robert Royston (USA) - May 2013. Music: Two Step (feat. Colt Ford) - Laura Bell Bundy. *** Use the 3:12 min version of the song and adjust for tempo with NO Tags or Restarts.*** Sec. 1 (1-8) Side, Together, Side, Together, Side (repeat going to the L)

Straight Line. Count: 64. Wall: 2. Level: Intermediate. Choreographer: Maggie Gallagher (UK) & Gary O'Reilly (IRE) - February 2024. Music: Straight Line - Keith Urban. Intro: 32 counts, start on vocals. S1: TOUCH, POINT, R SAILOR, WALK, ½, L COASTER STEP. 1-2 Touch right toe across left, Point right toe to right side.

Dance Around It Cassey Rowe (UK) & Courtney Rowe (UK) - December 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner + Music: Dance Around It - Joel Corry & Caity Baser. Two Steppin' Heart Cassey Rowe (UK) & Courtney Rowe (UK) - December 2023. 32 Count 4 Wall Beginner + Music: One Two - Step Away - Jenna Paulette.

The line dance has simple steps that look great, only requiring accurate timing and foot placement. No need to sit out line dances anymore! Learn how to line dance as champion line dancer Robert Royston teaches you all the right moves in these Howcast dance videos.

Beginner Circle. Choreographer: Jim Ferrazzano (USA) Music: Mountain Music - Alabama. This is a circle dance done in a Counter Clockwise Rotation. Cape position for partners, side by side for singles. R: HEEL, ACROSS, HEEL, TOGETHER. 1 Touch R heel forward. 2 Hitch R across L shin in air. 3 Touch R heel forward. 4 Step R beside L.

In a longer and more detailed description, line dancing is a choreography with a repeated sequence of steps performed in unison by a group of people who are arranged in lines or rows. All of the dancers will face the same direction and will perform all of the steps at the same time.

1. Learn the counts. Line dancing is not hard when you can count the entire choreography as you do it. Each single step, hip movement, or wobble has to be timed to the music. 2. Distinguish between a "step" and a "touch".

Five Basic Line Dance Steps. Popular Line Dances. Line Dance Songs. Line Dancing Lessons. Dance Classes. Line dancing for beginners is easy when you book classes with professional dancers.

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